Nvm Default Packages
This is one of those things I wont need again for a while and will forget.
When using nvm to get a new version of nodejs you can find you no longer have packages - including yarn
Read more ...A Web Developer’s Blog
This is one of those things I wont need again for a while and will forget.
When using nvm to get a new version of nodejs you can find you no longer have packages - including yarn
Read more ...My Laravel site was working just fine yesterday but after a code-only update today I was seeing 502 errors on some pages
upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream, client:
While the solution was hard to find it was easy to implement.
Yesterday I thought I’d fixed my https links on Laravel running in Kubernetes - but I had a nagging feeling that I’d just followed some random blog posts and missed something …
Unfortunately what I had looked for was force laravel to use https
When what I really needed was Configuring Trusted Proxies
Read Laravel HTTPS Behind a Proxy instead
The post below is wrong
This doesn’t seem to be well documented - I cant find anything about it in the official docs.
Thanks to Md Obydullah at shouts.dev
My Laravel site runs in kubernetes where TLS encryption happens in a proxy layer and I need Laravel to server content with https links.
Read more ...As a backend developer I’m a big fan of Bootstrap it is a framework that lets me quickly put together user interfaces with consistent components using Modals, Alerts, Toasts and more - things that I don’t want to have to learn how to make work and add design to.
It seems like Laravel used to use Bootstrap by default but has migrated to Tailwind CSS
So far on my Kubernetes journey I’ve only ever had one container per pod.
But I needed to run php-fpm fronted by nginx - with static assets served direct by nginx.
A lot of online examples skip this complexity by serving both php and static assets via Apache.
While it seemed complex at first - like a lot of Kubernetes it’s fairly straightforward once you have made the leap.
I was asked to build a site using Strapi CMS and got part way down implementing it before concluding that this wasn’t going to work.
These are the reasons I decided against continuing with Strapi.
Read more ...I’ve written some Go code and in development it worked fine but now I need it to run on an old server and I get this error
Read more ..../my-code: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32’ not found (required by ./my-code)
I am working on a NextJS project that has 9 websites with different content and themes but the exact same structure.
We want one codebase and one server to reduce costs (and the carbon footprint of our cloud) and also to streamline the process of releasing new features.
So we’re using middleware to detect which host the incoming request is for and add that as a parameter - which worked fine in development but I had some problems moving to our production system which is in Kubernetes.
Read more ...I really like the way Go imports json into its own data structures.
You just define a struct, annotate it to map the JSON field names to the struct field names (taking care to follow the Go convention of using Capitalised initials where the field is public).
There are also some great tools to automatically generate the struct from JSON
But where I got stuck was with JSON that is flexible and doesn’t match something I can directly make in Go.
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