The Laravel Docs have a section Constraining Eager Loads
Which hides a lot of power available to you while loading relationships.
It can be used for more than just “constraints”
If you want to sort your relations by a specific fields, add a count of a nested relationship, or in other ways add to teh query - this is where you can do it.
Read more ...I am working on a postgresql database for a strapi CMS
I’ve taken over the project and when I try and start it I see this error.

create table "public"."strapi_migrations"
("id" serial primary key,
"name" varchar(255),
"time" timestamp)
- permission denied for schema public
Read more ...Since LastPass’ most recent security issues (do use a password manager but not LastPass) I’ve seen a lot of people online changing all their passwords and realising how bad the experience is.
For those of us with names which can be spelled in the limited ASCII alphabet the pain point is the password part - where the rules can be annoying but in the end we can work around them.
Today I saw a post Hello my name is St�phanie which highlights how there is a bigger problem for many people.
It all got me thinking : why do we (developers) do this ?
Read more ...I’ve been working with SQL databases for over 20 years but this year was my first time using a NoSQL database.
Previous conversations with developers often went along the lines of them trying to tell me NoSQL is “better” and me not quite seeing a benefit. At the time I never really had a reason to try something different - what I had worked and was low risk.
Recently I had cause to adopt Google’s Firebase hosting and Cloud Firestore database and this is what I learned.

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