Tangible Bytes

A Web Developer’s Blog

Docker, Firewalls, and Minikube

I’ve had a few problems with docker and firewalls and seem to get a “good enough” solution only to run into trouble again later having forgotten what I’ve done so far.

This is an attempt to make some notes and at least capture where I am up to.


  • Disable dockers Iptables
  • Add some firewalld rules
  • Watch out if the Docker interface changes


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Kubernetes Multi Container Pod

So far on my Kubernetes journey I’ve only ever had one container per pod.

But I needed to run php-fpm fronted by nginx - with static assets served direct by nginx.

A lot of online examples skip this complexity by serving both php and static assets via Apache.

While it seemed complex at first - like a lot of Kubernetes it’s fairly straightforward once you have made the leap.

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Golang : Glibc Not Found

I’ve written some Go code and in development it worked fine but now I need it to run on an old server and I get this error

./my-code: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32’ not found (required by ./my-code)

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