Multiple Git Accounts
If you have multiple account with Gitlab or Github you will find that you can’t use teh same ssh key for both accounts.
The nicest way I have found of configuring this is by putting the different projects in a subfolder - and then using a gitconfig conditional include
I generate a second ssh key, specifying the filename ~/.ssh/id_tangible
In the conditional include the sshCommand option tells git to use an additional parameter which specifies they key to use.
I also set a different email address for my git commits
email = me@default
name = Sean Burlington
[includeIf "gitdir:/home/sean/work/"]
email = me@tangible
sshCommand = "ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_tangible"
Confirm it is working via
git config --includes -l
and it should tell you the values for the repo you are in
Note that variables which are overridden wil be show twice - the later value is the one that is used.