Tangible Bytes

A Web Developer’s Blog

Multiple Git Accounts

If you have multiple account with Gitlab or Github you will find that you can’t use teh same ssh key for both accounts.

The nicest way I have found of configuring this is by putting the different projects in a subfolder - and then using a gitconfig conditional include

I generate a second ssh key, specifying the filename ~/.ssh/id_tangible

In the conditional include the sshCommand option tells git to use an additional parameter which specifies they key to use.

I also set a different email address for my git commits

        email = me@default
        name = Sean Burlington
[includeIf "gitdir:/home/sean/work/gitlab.com/tangiblebytes/"]
    email = me@tangible
    sshCommand = "ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_tangible"

Confirm it is working via

git config --includes -l

and it should tell you the values for the repo you are in

Note that variables which are overridden wil be show twice - the later value is the one that is used.