Tangible Bytes

A Web Developer’s Blog

Windows 11 WSL2 and Docker Desktop

I’m a long time Linux user, and a big fan of Docker, Kubernetes, VMs, and containers.

While I love developing on Linux - I do sometimes find it frustrating that I don’t have the same level of access to the Microsoft suite on Linux.

A while ago I had to use a Windows laptop for a few days and tried out using WSL - so most of the time I’m in Linux - I didn’t entirely hate it so when it was time for an upgrade I decided to try the Windows route this time.

I’ve had my new machine for a little over a week now.

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Windows10 Installer Linux

I repurposed an old workstation and needed to install Windows with only Linux systems to work from.

This turned out to be painful because the system has an old BIOS and while you can in theory install windows from a USB stick - doing so requires a newer system using UEFI

Linux installs fine from a USB stick so this caught me out.

It turns out the Windows installer works fine from an external DVD drive - but first you may have to buy some double layer DVDs because the image doesn’t quite fit on a normal one.

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