Tangible Bytes

A Web Developer’s Blog

Laravel Migrate - Exclude Tables

Laravel’s database migrations is a great system and makes it easy for the development team to stay in sync with schema changes as well as ensuring tests can run against a defined database state.

It also makes great use of transactions to efficiently roll back changes after each test

But what if you have some large tables of fairly static data that you don’t want to reload on every test run …

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Laravel Database Model

Something didn’t quite click with me about Laravel Eloquent Models.

There is nothing in the Model that defines the fields.

The Model defines which database table the data is stored in.

Whatever fields are in the table will be loaded to the Model.

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Laravel Database Testing

I wanted to better understand what is happening when I run Laravel tests that hit the database.

TLDR: Database migrations are run on every test run, optionally with seed data.

Each test case runs in a transaction.

(This is written based on Laravel 9)

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Laravel Versions

How to find out what version of Laravel you have.

The difference between a laravel-framework update and a laravel skeleton update.

What is Laravel skeleton anyway ?

How to control when you get updates.

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Laravel Route Binding Null/Empty Object

Laravel’s routing and binding is nice

But when I got it wrong I didn’t get the kind of error I expected

Laravel automatically resolves Eloquent models defined in routes or controller actions whose type-hinted variable names match a route segment name.

use App\Models\User;
Route::get('/users/{user}', function (User $user) {
    return $user->email;
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Laravel Formatting with ‘Pint’

Code reviews are a real opportunity to learn from each other - we each write code a little differently and bring with us a range of experience. So much better to spend time on this than debating blank lines.

I’m also slightly dyslexic and find it hard to even see the issues some care passionately about.

I want to do the right thing for the team but going through code line by line and applying a strict set of rules is not something I am good at or enjoy.

Computers are good at following rules though.

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