Tangible Bytes

A Web Developer’s Blog

Laravel Vite Wont Serve Build Files

This is a silly one.

I wanted to run Laravel in dev mode but using the compiled js and scss from npm run build via vitejs.

This usually works

but for some reason Laravel was trying to serve js/css from http://localhost:5173/@vite/client

a service I usually run - but I wanted to test the build stuff.

The solution is really simple but not well documented.

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Multiple Authentication in Laravel

You may not need this, if you can manage multiple types of user via roles and permissions it will be much the simpler route to follow.

In my case I wanted user with different: properties, relationships, routes, password rules, timeouts, and more.

It was worth the pain of setting up two authenticatable models.

Laravel is very flexible and well documented, but the further you stray from what most people do - the less obvious it is and a few of these steps took me a while to figure out.

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