Website developers (like myself) often end up with a few websites we support - whether these are promoting a business, running a blog, for a side project, or a site for a friend or hobby.
Since these are often low to no budget and can’t be prioritised for work at busy times they need to be
- cheap
- low maintenance
- easy to set up
- blazingly fast
Read more ...I’ve been working with SQL databases for over 20 years but this year was my first time using a NoSQL database.
Previous conversations with developers often went along the lines of them trying to tell me NoSQL is “better” and me not quite seeing a benefit. At the time I never really had a reason to try something different - what I had worked and was low risk.
Recently I had cause to adopt Google’s Firebase hosting and Cloud Firestore database and this is what I learned.

Read more ...How did I balance all the other requirements of a website with the need to minimise energy use?
To make this site cleaner than 98% of web pages tested
Read more ...I’ve been using Google’s Firebase recently and find it a great development platform.
One of the best things about it is the emulators available for local development.
Just a few weeks ago they made it even better by adding an authentication emulator
So now you can easily start up a clean environment to test your new code on.
But the auth emulator starts with no users every time.
This is one way to add users.
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