Tangible Bytes

A Web Developer’s Blog


A couple of things about UTF-8 have eluded me for a while …

I knew that the first bit of ASCII (the bit people agreed on) is the same in ASCII and UTF-8

I knew that the rest of Unicode needs 2 or 3 bytes

But I wasn’t clear how you could tell how many bytes needed to be read at a time

And mostly I didn’t need to because the computer does it all for me - but those bits of vagueness can catch you out and so I went down the rabbit hole and it turns out to be fairly short.

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Prometheus Excess CPU/RAM Issue

A key part of any modern infrastructure is good monitoring, even on my local desktop system I like to have monitoring in place so that if a problem gradually builds up I can trace where it started.

Unfortunately in this case the monitoring system actually caused the problem and Prometheus was using up all my system CPU and RAM.

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Firebase Hosting

Website developers (like myself) often end up with a few websites we support - whether these are promoting a business, running a blog, for a side project, or a site for a friend or hobby.

Since these are often low to no budget and can’t be prioritised for work at busy times they need to be

  • cheap
  • low maintenance
  • easy to set up
  • blazingly fast
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Sql vs Firestore First Impressions

I’ve been working with SQL databases for over 20 years but this year was my first time using a NoSQL database.

Previous conversations with developers often went along the lines of them trying to tell me NoSQL is “better” and me not quite seeing a benefit. At the time I never really had a reason to try something different - what I had worked and was low risk.

Recently I had cause to adopt Google’s Firebase hosting and Cloud Firestore database and this is what I learned.

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PWA, Workbox, CSP, and Caching

In the world of Web development the words “Best Practice” are often thrown about as if implementation was a trivial detail and giving the impression that everyone else must be doing all this already.

Then you implement these and find that it isn’t so trivial - especially when you try and combine each practice.

I wanted to experiment with making this site into a Progressive Web App (PWA) while maintaining good security through Content Security Policy (CSP) headers and long cache times for static assets.

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Hugo and Webpack

Hugo - The world’s fastest framework for building websites is pretty awesome. It’s what I use to manage this site.

But much of the web development world has moved in the direction of JavaScript, npm, and Webpack.

So how can you run a Hugo website and manage the embedded JavaScript and CSS that are most commonly managed with npm and Webpack?

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