Boostrap With Laravel
As a backend developer I’m a big fan of Bootstrap it is a framework that lets me quickly put together user interfaces with consistent components using Modals, Alerts, Toasts and more - things that I don’t want to have to learn how to make work and add design to.
It seems like Laravel used to use Bootstrap by default but has migrated to Tailwind CSS
I don’t get Tailwind
I learned web development before CSS arrived - the only wy to add style was to split the page up into tables and defined colours and backround images for each cell - mixing markup and design like this was a nightmare making any changes very hard to manage.
Tailwind feels to me like a step back in this direction.
What should be a simple welcome message looks like
<div className="py-12">
<div className="max-w-7xl mx-auto sm:px-6 lg:px-8">
<div className="bg-white overflow-hidden shadow-sm sm:rounded-lg">
<div className="p-6 text-gray-900">You're logged in!</div>
I’m much much happier with
<div class="welcome">You're logged in!</div>
I’m not doing complex UI design - generally the Bootstrap components do what I want - I don’t want to have to build my own - and Tailwind is only CSS - it doesn’t provide components.
Headless UI - provides some but isn’t as rich.
Switching Laravel to use Bootstrap
npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap
Edit resources/js/app.jsx and add this imports
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
Don’t get confused by the existing line import './bootstrap';
this refers to internal Laravel bootstrapping code (leave it there)
Now you can start removing any tailwind code and replacing it with Bootstrap components
(NB I’m writing thi8s up a bit after I did it - hopefully I didn’t forget a step - this is what I think I did)
One issue I had is tha the default Bootstrap Nav items were triggering full page reloads and not getting intercepted by the Inertia router
To create links to other pages within an Inertia app, you will typically use the Inertia component. This component is a light wrapper around a standard anchor link that intercepts click events and prevents full page reloads. This is how Inertia provides a single-page app experience once your application has been loaded.
To address this at first I simply used elements in my nav and added classnames so that they pick up the Bootstrap styles.
<Nav >
<Link class="nav-link" href="/articles">
and for a dropdown
<NavDropdown title={} id="basic-nav-dropdown">
<NavDropdown.Item href={route('profile.edit')}>Profile</NavDropdown.Item>
<Link href={route('logout')} class="dropdown-item" method="post" as="button" type="button">Logout</Link>
But this felt hacky and was more code
onClick Solution
I realised the <link>
element isn’t that special it is just a regular link with an onClick handler that uses the inertia router
So I as well as using the href property of my Pagination Items I can use an onClick handler the inertia router
{ => {
return (
onClick={() => router.visit(link.url) }
> {link.label}</Pagination.Item>
You can do the same thing with named routes
<Nav variant="tabs">
active={activeTab == "view"}
href={route("", {site:, category:})}
onClick={() =>
route("", {site:, category:})
Using Bootstrap in Laravel is easy
- npm install
- import bootstrap css
- use onClick handlers as well as href