NextJS Multisite on Kubernetes
I am working on a NextJS project that has 9 websites with different content and themes but the exact same structure.
We want one codebase and one server to reduce costs (and the carbon footprint of our cloud) and also to streamline the process of releasing new features.
So we’re using middleware to detect which host the incoming request is for and add that as a parameter - which worked fine in development but I had some problems moving to our production system which is in Kubernetes.
As background these are some examples of posts from people working on similar projects
- Configure Multi site Multi Tenent application using NextJs
- How to Build a Multi-Tenant App with Custom Domains Using Next.js
- Middleware from nextJS starter
- Static HTML Export with i18n compatibility in Next.js
I should note that this project is not live yet and we are still exploring the best way to build this
What I have is something like this
import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
const url = request.nextUrl;
if (!process.env.A_HOST) {
const hostname = request.headers.get("x-forwarded-host") ?? request.headers.get("host") ?? process.env.A_HOST;
let host = ""
switch (hostname) {
case process.env.A_HOST:
host = "sitea"
case process.env.B_HOST:
host = "siteb"
case process.env.C_HOST:
host = "sitec"
// console.log(request.headers)
console.log(`no match : ${hostname}`)
// check if we already have a path prefix that matches one of our domains
// don't redirect if we do
// this stops an infinite loop
// NextJS seems to be smart enough to avoid redirects to localhost but we cant use localhost in docker
let path_prefix = url.pathname.substring(1)
path_prefix = path_prefix.substring(0, path_prefix.indexOf('/'))
const domain = ['sitea', 'siteb', 'sitecc']
if (!domain.includes(path_prefix)) {
const local = `http://${process.env.HOSTNAME}:${process.env.PORT}`
// console.log(local)
const newURL = new URL(`/${host}${url.pathname}`, local);
return NextResponse.rewrite(newURL);
export const config = {
matcher: "/((?!api/|_next/|_static/|_vercel|[\\w-]+\\.\\w+).*)",
Then I have multiple domain names pointing to the same server, NextJS doesn’t have the ability to route via domains so the middleware changes the request for to https://localhost/sitea/path and then I can have a route like [site]
This is enough for our site to use the appropriate theme and the site specific content from our headless CMS.
Caveat - NextResponse
I have to admit that I’m not entirely clear what NextResponse is doing here - there seems to be some logic regarding whether it is an internal or external redirect and when to stop redirecting…
Gotcha 1 - localhost
In dev we used localhost as the internal redirect - but I moved to docker and realised that “localhost” refers to the host machine, and in Kubernetes the hostname is autogenerated. Kubernetes also uses different ports on teh pod internally from that exposed publicly.
Since Kubernetes exposes hostname and port as environment variables I found the best solution was to use these in Kubernetes and add them to .env files for docker and local dev (and use docker-compose to set a predictable hostname)
Gotcha 2 - infinite loop
Once I stopped using localhost I found the redirect caused an infinite loop - I figure there must be some logic in NextJS that detects a redirect to localhost (it also works for and stops further redirects. But as above - localhost didn’t work for me and on moving to docker I found I was getting infinite(ish) loops and I got errors on urls like
The fix for that was to check if I already has a site prefix on my path and skip teh redirect if so
Gotcha 2 - Host headers
Locally and on docker I used the “host” header to determine which site was being redirected
In Kubernetes there is an Nginx TLS proxy which changes this header
I had to use the “x-forwarded-for” header (with the “host” header retained as a fallback for local dev)
My kubernetes healthcheck doesn’t need to be aware of the multisite domains - so I added a route for a healthcheck page and made sure the middleware exits cleanly if a requests is made that isn’t any of the multisite domains.
This work isn’t complete and isn’t yet ready for production - we may hit more bugs or find more optimisations yet.